Saturday, April 19, 2014

Rhythms and Vividness

Rhythms and Vividness

Colors, textures, movement, brush strokes over marvelous lienzos... What a fabulous show!

So last night I attended “Rhythms and Vividness”, artist Mr. Thad Morgan opening reception show at The Frame Shop Gallery 912 located at 912 Coolidge Boulevard here in Lafayette. This is Mr. Morgan first return exhibit in Lafayette in over two years and ladies and gentlemen what an opening!

The crowd and venue was perfect, the wine excellent and Mr. Morgan just delightful and stylish… Society writer Diva Ms. Patricia Gannon was present so I knew it was going to be the perfect night… This exhibit will be on till May 16th, 2014. What a marvelous display of fine art, the “Jimmy”, the “Saint Sebastian”, the “David’s Face”, the “Marilyn” and on…. Thanks Mr. Morgan!

Raoul Blanco

 Next to the fabulous once missing and now recovered the "Jimmy"...

With my friend and event designer guru Mr. G Richard Young next to the "Bearded Fiddle"...